Thursday, October 3, 2013

Butter Cookies

Hey Everyone!

Today at Nonnina's Kitchen, we're serving up some hot and fresh Butter Cookies!  What makes these cookies so easy to make is that their main ingredient is right there in their name!

These cookies are a STAPLE at Nonnina's house.  When I say staple, I mean they are present on every cookie tray that is put out at gatherings or just casually with espresso.  These are the cookies that you will ALWAYS find in the freezer at Nonnina's house.  What makes me laugh when I think about these cookies is that they're so delicious and crumbly because they're made to be one of the most fattening cookies that Nonnina makes HOWEVER, if you read my "About" page you'd know that Nonnina is a complete health nut, so to make a cookie thats almost entirely made of butter means they MUST be good!

But of course, every single person who has tried them can tell you they're to die for!


  • 1 pound room temperature butter
  • 1 cup Granulated Sugar
  • 6oz table cream (18%)
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 tsp Vanilla
  • 4 cups All Purpose Flour
  • 1 tsp Baking Soda
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 1 pound finely ground Roasted Almonds

1. Preheat the oven to 350℉
2. Put the roasted almonds in a food processor and finely grind them adding 1 tbsp of sugar. Then set them aside, you will need them later.

3. Put room temperature butter into a mixing bowl.
4. In a mixer begin to cream the butter.

5. Add the sugar to the mixer and cream with the butter on medium speed for about 2 minutes stopping periodically to scrape the sides of the bowl.

6. Slowly add the cream to the mixer.

7. Add the 2 large eggs to the mixer one at a time, mixing it well. 
8. Add vanilla and continue to mix until all ingredients are combined.


9. Setting aside the butter mixture, In a large bowl measure out 4 cups of flour.

10. Add ground almonds to the flour and mix well.  While mixing add the baking soda and salt.

11. Add the dry mixture to the butter a little bit at a time and mix on low speed until all combined.

NONNINA'S TIP* Once all combined - cover the bowl with Cling Wrap and put it in the fridge for 2 hours, this makes it easier to handle.

NONNINA'S TIP* The dough should not stick to the bowl

12.  On an un-greased cookie sheet, lay down a piece of parchment paper.

13. Take a full tablespoon of dough and roll it with your hands.

14. On the cookie sheet, shape the dough into half moons and place them about an inch apart on.

15. Put the cookies in the oven for 15 minutes, turning the tray half way though bake time. 

16.  Once the cookies have cooled, dust them with icing sugar to finish!

Stop by Nonnina's Kitchen next week for a Carb Free recipe that is guilt free and delicious!

Buon Apetito!

With Love From, Nonnina!


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